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Studio 790 Gives Back! Introducing a Refreshed Lobby at St. Rose of Lima School.

At Studio 790 we are all about serving and helping others. It's part of our brand values and company culture. And last year, we had the honor of partnering with St. Rose of Lima School to help refresh their lobby!

Led by our amazing Junior Designer, Billy De La Cruz, and installed and supported by our other amazing Junior Designer, Gaby Alvarez, we were tasked with giving this lobby some love with new furniture and decor. The team at St. Rose of Lima felt the lobby did not reflect their vibrant school spirit and mission and our task was to create a lobby that made the students, parents and staff feel welcomed, showed off their school colors and showed a little bit of the school's history.

But this wasn't just about design; it was about giving back to a community that means the world to us. Ann's daughter's school. The village of Miami Shores (where Studio 790 began!). For the next generation. YES YES YES!

Swipe to see the before and afters of this lobby!

Billy shares more about her design direction below...

From the very, beginning I knew I wanted to incorporate arches somewhere in the design. The arch has many meanings, but in architecture the arch is used to elevate the spirit and mind towards higher ideals. The famous American architect Ralph Adams Cram, who was influenced by Johannine tradition, often incorporated the arch motif in his work, imbuing it with transcendental meaning.

We chose to incorporate the arch by way of paint in the school colors and added a custom quote on top of that. Our founder, Ann, created a collection of faith-based digital prints and I knew I had to put one of these prints in the space somehow.

I took her quote/print and put it inside of the arch painted on the wall and, VOILA! On the other side of the TV wall we created a gallery wall that included historic alumni photos and current student photos. This small but mighty space will welcome all that come through the doors of St. Lima and I couldn't be more proud to have been part of this.

We're honored to have played a part in creating a warm and welcoming school lobby for the future leaders of our community. And it's a reminder and such a lesson that no matter what, giving back must be at the forefront of what we do and more importantly, WHO we do it for. For all of us at Studio 790 - whether we are leading our biggest project with our highest revenues or donating our time and resources to inspire and encourage the next generation, it all matters and this is our WHY - THE PEOPLE!


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