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Today is the day! The Pillow Collection by Ann Ueno has arrived.

After months in the making, all of us here at AUID are thrilled to share that our first-ever pillow collection is now yours for the taking! As always, this has been a labor of love, all hands on deck, prayed for product that we believe is going to change the atmosphere of homes.

This is how we are feeling about it, obvs:

Why Pillows?

WHY NOT PILLOWS?! Throw pillows are the must-have accessory of a room. Just like that statement necklace from J Crew or the subtly bold Golden Goose shoes to dress up your t-shirt and jeans look, pillows are what brings a room across the finish line, giving the room that perfect pop of personality.

The Benefits of Throw Pillows:

Throw pillows are one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to change the whole look of a room. If you are a more neutral, safe type of person related to décor in your home, the throw pillow can be the place where you have some fun and take some risk (versus, say, a bold wallpaper that is a bit more permanent and costly). Conversely, if you like to take risks by way of color and pattern, your throw pillows offer a great opportunity to do so, adding that final layer of texture and character to your room. No matter your style, throw pillows offer the way to embrace layered living and the latest trends with minimal effort.

How Does Ann Feel About It All?

My feelings? I GOT ALL OF THEM. I want AUID to be a part of people’s homes in every way possible – whether that is a gut renovation, designing a nursery, playing a part in helping an aspiring designer launch her business or even just simply being a friend and sharing a meal together. This is more than just a pillow line. It’s a seed that we are sowing to move our mission forward, believing that everyone deserves a beautiful home, regardless of budget. That if in this season they aren’t able to hire us for a project, it’s okay, we can still help add joy and creativity to their home, meeting them right where they are.

That at the end of a big project, after we’ve poured out our hearts to designing a home, we can top it off with the final accessory, knowing this accessory adds even more beauty and more cohesion for our clients – THIS. YES PLEASE. Pillows with a purpose.

I see the working parents gathering with friends, celebrating a promotion and our pillows get to be a part of that celebration.

I see Saturday morning cartoons, in bed, while mom and dad are still trying to sleep and there’s a pillow at the end of the bed and a few on the floor – the beautiful mess of real life, real living and our pillows get to be a part of that.

I see a single mom rebuilding her life, rebuilding her home and she sits on her sofa, exhaling, ready for her next season. Right next to her? Our pillows.

I see the empty nesters, having just invested in their second home on the beach, drinking coffee on their chairs, their arms resting on our pillows, expectant for what a new season of marriage looks like.

I see the 7-year-old little girl who begged her mom to decorate her room for the first time because her independent style is coming out – she makes her bed with our pillows and like an artist, looks around the room, proud of her creativity.

I see livable luxury and our pillows are part of it all, accessorized alongside people who matter to us, in every season.

Without further ado, THE PILLOW COLLECTION!

What was Ann's Vision For This Collection?

My vision for TPC was to create a curated collection of pillows that can be perfect standing alone or that can work as a two or threesome. Blending neutrals with a few fun patterns and colors, my goal is that we will have something that caters to everyone, in every season. Speaking of seasons, our pillows will follow the fashion seasons and will gravitate towards current and upcoming trends but with the intention to be used all year round and switched up across the rooms in your home. Versatile and fun. Classic with a twist. One way to give your room a refresh on a budget is by changing out your pillows and our goal is to help you do just that.

How to Style Them:

I'm so excited about the endless possibilities and combos you can create with just 2 or 3 of these. And of course, I want to teach people along the way! Here’s how to style a bed or sofa and here’s what pillows work together. For us at AUID, this is easy…almost second nature. But what we have found working in the design and décor industry for a decade is it is NOT easy for the layperson. And not only do we want to help, we want to equip our customers with how to mix and match our collection. We know that people have followed our design journey because they love our style and they love our authenticity and our pillow collection will be following suit. See a few options below and even more over at

So if that's not enough pillow talk... Head over to our website and check out all 9 of these beauties and get yours today as quantities are limited!


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